The Rodger Wright Centre




Cellulitis is a potentially Serious bacterial Infection of the skin resulting from Staphylococcus, Streptococcus or other bacteria. It appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender, and it may spread rapidly. Areas most commonly affected are legs, arms and face, although it can affect any area of the body. The infection may be superficial, but it could also be affecting the underlying tissue of your skin and spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream. If you leave this infection without doing anything it could rapidly build into a life-threatening situation

What Causes Cellulitis?

Your skin has many different types of bacteria living on it, but intact skin is an effective barrier that keeps bacteria from entering the body. When you break the skin by injecting, bacteria can enter the body and grow there,  causing infection and tissue inflammation. The skin tissue in the infected area becomes hot, red and painful.

Symptoms and Signs of Cellulitis:

Skin redness or inflammation that increases as the infection spreads.

Light, glossy and stretched appearance of the skin.

Pain and tenderness of the area that may have a sudden onset and rapid spread within the first 24 hours.

Fevers, chills, shaking, warm skin, sweating, fatigue, muscle aches and general ill-feeling may accompany it.

Additional symptoms that may be associated with the disease include nausea and vomiting, joint stiffness caused by swelling of the tissue over the joint and hair loss at the site of infection.

If you have any of these symptoms we urge you to seek professional medical assistance as soon as possible
The quicker you get to see a doctor the easier it will be to treat

It usually can be treated with a course of anti-biotics by mouth, but delay may lead to hospital admission
We have 1 FREE Doctor visit card available at the Centre - just ask.

How To Protect Yourself 

Don't share injecting equipment ever!

Make sure all your injecting equipment is new and sterile

Clean surfaces that you will be using to prepare your shot and always wash your hands this is crucial

Remember not to reuse any old or used pieces of injecting equipment. If you reuse equipment there is the possibility that any blood or moisture in your syringe could cause an infection.

Make sure you wipe down your injecting site with an alcohol swab and allow to dry.

Wipe down your spoon with an alcohol swab and heat or allow to dry to remove any alcohol residue.

Always use boiled or sterile water

Dont place your needle in your mouth for lubrication before you inject.

The mouth contains lots of bacteria which could easily cause infections should they enter your body

Keep all wounds and skin breaks covered


Remember this condition is potentially life-threatening. Dont leave it to late
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